Spain·January 25 - 26 2025
Unlock Your 2025 Path.
SOLD OUTFamily Constellations is a group workshop to heal collective trauma and heal yourself within your family system, bring back The Orders of Love to your life. Unlock your journey of 2025, from any subconscious pattern that comes from your family line, a deeply transformative therapy with tangible results, return to the origin, to the order of love, to heal the wounds and pain entrenched in your family history. Suitable for all audiences, no previous experience is necessary.
The ultimate deep Healing experience a therapeutic method
Sadhana Works Mallorca
Sadhana Works is a company born from the love and the belief for human potential through commitment we have towards individual and collective growth and wellbeing.Our mission is to help people reach their highest potential through meditation, conscious lifestyle and individual commitment to live a happy and peaceful life.
The address is in the Center of Palma de Mallorca. Carrer de Sant Feliu #17 inside the Lane #11.